Friday, August 20, 2010

What are the five greatest moments of triumph in modern film?

I'm trying to collect a good, solid list. I'm looking for posts like this:

Forrest Gump: When the boys are chasing Forrest as a child and in a miraculous moment he breaks free of his bonds and runs for the first time.

Please be descriptive about WHY you think each item deserves to be on the list. :)

What are the five greatest moments of triumph in modern film?photoshop

In Casablanca, when Rick finally becomes noble and starts with the spiel, ''I'm not very good at being noble, but...''

In Blade Runner, when the replicant Roy Batty goes into ''I have seen the Gates of....'' speech, and decides to let Deckard live.

There's two for you. The key thing is that in each, the character has grown beyond their limits to attain something newer, nobler.

I could be here all night. Thanks for the question. Maybe I'll check back in a week after I'm done computing every movie I've ever seen!

Suffice to say, all hot points in any movie deal with either a transition in character development, or a resolution of a plot line (answering the Major Dramatic Question).

You can add the part when Oedipus Rex discovers he is married to his mother.. it's one of the oldest of the ''heavy duty'' moments in drama.

What are the five greatest moments of triumph in modern film?symatec

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